Friends of Pawtuxet Village

The oldest little village in Rhode Island

4th Annual Pawtuxet Village
Scarecrow Contest

October 1-31, 2015

CONGRATULATIONS to the winner(s) of the 2015 Pawtuxet Village Scarecrow Contest. Ballots were collected all month, votes were tallied on Friday, October 30th and in the end, it was a TIE between the Rhode Island Yacht Club, organized by Kristen Forbes and Donald Trump, created by Kathy Mihalos & Mel Martin. The two will split the winnings.

NOTE: St. Peter's won 2nd Place.
Available Lamp Posts:
Do you want to join the fun? Sign up to decorate a lampost in the Village by clicking on the black tap, top right, and you’ll be on your way!
Best of Show

Commodore Crow
RI Yacht Club

Donald Trump
Created by Kathy Mihalos
& Mel Martin.

Click on each photo above and below …
This Scarecrow Contest is sponsored by Friends of Pawtuxet Village.
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